She works exclusively from home, and she plans her days and meetings on her own. She has access to the central CRM, which allows her to track relevant parameters such as e-mail opening rates in real time, using a dashboard.
CRM and digital assistants first support Sarah with targeting individual doctors. After that, the assistant provides analytics-based recommendations for how these selected doctors can best be contacted using a customized approach, and which contents would be of most interest to them. In this way, it becomes possible to send out automated but also personalized information packages and newsletters to each doctor. No more need for generic mass mails. No one reads them anyway.
While face-to-face meetings became possible again the summer, they are not nearly as common as before the coronavirus crisis. More and more doctors prefer the digital approach. Conversely, sales staff have also realized that their daily work routines are not as efficient without digital aids.
This means Sarah can save on driving time, which she can now use to target more existing and new clients. And it also means more time for taking breaks, e.g. jogging during the lunch break.