When the work results disappoint, many companies still resort to finding the “error” in their employees. But usually, the error can be found in the processes, objectives, leadership patterns or responsibilities. When it comes to New Work, the exact objective is not clear - hence the recommendation of agile processes with continuous testing and learning. Here, all participating employees must be actively involved in the specific design process as early as possible. Because who knows the needs of employees better than they do?
At the same time, possible challenges and solutions, strengths and weaknesses, as well as successes and set-backs must also be identified. This requires a modern error culture that must be practiced and strengthened by the managers. To this end, management directives must focus on flat hierarchies, a purposeful model function and direct collaboration between manager and employees.
Moreover, New Work must be examined from all perspectives and company dimensions. For example, the company's history or cultural and demographic particularities must also be taken into account, so that the appropriate New Work components can be identified. The mere introduction of digital tools and new technologies is not enough in this context. They only support New Work when mindsets, organizational structures and work methods also change.