The year 2020, which was dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, was also characterized by many far-reaching changes. What has been your personal experience?
There are two items I would like to focus on. First: In 2020, we made great progress with regard to our team work. Overall, we now have both more and more intensive forms of collaboration. We have been working on a remote basis for a long time already, but we have added many new variants such as virtual workshops and creative sessions. And most of all: Team work and team spirit have been greatly strengthened. By that, I am also referring to the great new forms of collaboration with our customers. For me, the same principles apply everywhere: Technology must make team work possible. This resulted in the idea of the Seamless Office.
Another personal insight for 2021 is that resilience is a part of efficiency. Or vice versa: Resilience and efficiency must be brought into balance. If we focus too much on efficiency, the ice on which we stand becomes thinner and thinner. That also applies to other companies, for example: Shifting supply chains to save more money is done at the expense of stability. Risks increase. When a supplier is not available and the supply chain is interrupted, the damages will far outweigh the savings. When it comes to our own company, I now think differently, for example: How susceptible is our current project portfolio to disruptions? How can we re-design our portfolio to significantly reduce the magnitude of external shocks? In that sense, I see resilience as the ability to resist. Interestingly, for us that also means that we focus even more on innovation - because innovation increases resilience.