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How the pharmaceutical and health industry profits from modern sales and marketing tools. When it comes to sales, most digitization skeptics have realized that novel tools and a highly-customized customer approach have become essential. During the crisis, the skeptics themselves have seen how much time they can save. The use of AI has created a situation where sales staff can customize the way in which they approach doctors more than ever before. Face-to-face visits and knowledge-sharing will remain, but they will become more selective. It is something Sarah is looking forward to - and to be able to jog more often during her lunch break. One issue that I repeatedly get asked about is digital sales and marketing. Here too, we see the effects of the coronavirus pandemic: When the conventional touch points and personal customer visits become a thing of the past, companies must review and adjust their activities, and ideally prepare them for the future. One example of how this can work: 

Sarah is a sales coordinator at an international pharmaceutical group. Often, she thinks about the time before the coronavirus, and how her work and tools have changed since then. She works exclusively from home, and she plans her days and meetings on her own. She has access to the central CRM, which allows her to track relevant parameters such as e-mail opening rates in real time, using a dashboard. 

CRM and digital assistants first support Sarah with targeting individual doctors. After that, the assistant provides analytics-based recommendations for how these selected doctors can best be contacted using a customized approach, and which contents would be of most interest to them. In this way, it becomes possible to send out automated but also personalized information packages and newsletters to each doctor. No more need for generic mass mails. No one reads them anyway. 

While face-to-face meetings became possible again the summer, they are not nearly as common as before the coronavirus crisis. More and more doctors prefer the digital approach. Conversely, sales staff have also realized that their daily work routines are not as efficient without digital aids. 

This means Sarah can save on driving time, which she can now use to target more existing and new clients. And it also means more time for taking breaks, e.g. jogging during the lunch break. Sarah receives a push notification as soon as a new doctor has registered and expresses an interest in a specific medication. Sarah can tailor these notifications to her own requirements. This process saves a lot of time, because previously she would have had to manually search through various customer databases. Digitally advanced pharmaceutical companies offer not just medication and medication information, but also services. The trend is clear: it is not just about positioning the product itself, but also the service around the product! This includes digital further training for doctors and webinars, e.g. webinars for introducing digital appointments. 

Pharmaceutical companies should tailor the way in which they approach their target group with a data-based segmentation strategy. In this context, a multitude of different digital and conventional channels are activated to communicate medical and commercial contents. The aim is to find out which channel and which contents are requested by each doctor. The more these individual preferences are matched, the closer and more positive the relationship with the pharmaceutical company. 

Why does this approach work not just for doctors, but also for Sarah? In the past, CRMs were often implemented as a Big Bang - which was precisely the reason why many of them failed. Digital sales and marketing solutions, particularly CRM, should be developed gradually and using an agile approach. This means that Sarah was involved in the process at an early stage. She was able to provide feedback for the first prototypes, and her actual user behavior in the system was recorded, measured and analyzed. In this way, the user experience for Sarah and the CRM gradually but surely moved in the right direction! 

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What the next stage of transformation may look like. Future business models must be digital and sustainable at the same time. Companies combining both will be ahead of the game. Let me say in closing that sustainability needs to be at the core of all transformation processes.   The recent CS virtual conference Transformation of Business featured exciting speakers, great insights and a lively discussion. At the beginning of the conference, I had the opportunity to have an inspiring discussion with Carsten Knop and exchange ideas. Our main focus was on what the economy and society need now, in the post-COVID world. 

The message is clear: Now is the time to define ambitious goals. Why do things not move forward at the moment? Here a brief summary of how we see it: 

The frequently referenced error management culture is still wanting both in enterprises and in the public administration.    Projects and regulations are often specified down to the smallest detail, trying to eliminate any unexpected or unplanned occurrence beforehand. And that' s how we get in our own way.  Carsten Knop couldnt have summed it up better: "Politics is just a reflection of society. We need more pragmatism, and more risk. When managers make a decision, they also have to acknowledge when the make mistakes; we finally need a corporate culture that allows us to make mistakes and to learn from them.   What went through my mind was: try out more, think less about making mistakes!

After the pandemic, the corporate world will have to define their own future once again. So far, many companies have been flying by sight. But the fog has lifted. Now it's all about foresight we need to define where we're headed. To this end, we now need new corporate visions with far-reaching, ambitious goals. This applies equally to the economy and the government: Ambitious goals that lead us to take bold action, that take us forward in the long term, and for which we will jointly develop solutions that will comprehensively change processes in day-to-day life and society. Ambitious goals will inspire us, both as employees and as citizens, and provide a sense of new beginnings after the COVID period. This mindset will not only drive digitization and digital transformation in a unique manner. The topic that will need our urgent and immediate attention in politics and in the economy is sustainability.  My personal suggestion is that sustainability should not be seen primarily as a matter of regulations or prohibitions. I see sustainability primarily as a driver for innovation. It is important for me to understand sustainability as an opportunity. A sensible, holistic sustainability strategy can provide us with the decisive competitive advantage. We shouldn't sit and wait for politicians to do something, but instead move forward purposefully as a company. 

For example, product origin: from supply chain and product labeling to holistic transparency. All this doesn't have to be a tiresome chore, but can be leveraged in terms of customer benefit. Then our customers will be willing to pay extra for it. The success of the Fair Trade Certified seal is just one of many examples. 

The relevance of sustainability strategies also becomes more than clear in the soon to be published Future IT Report where we will see that: Two-thirds of all companies surveyed already have defined sustainability targets. Over 80% of respondents said that IT makes it easier for them to reach their sustainability goals. But: More than half of the companies say that, at this stage, IT and sustainability goals are not yet coordinated and aligned with each other. 

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Step-by-step towards a successful use of artificial intelligence and where it is already proving its worth today. Monday morning, 8a.m.time for me to head off to my customer meeting. 

Standing by my bike I am using voice control to try and open my GPS app to enter my destination. But it just wont work. Having tried several times, I give up. Luckily, I still have a good old city map at home.  Having arrived a bit too early, I ask my smartphone to suggest a suitable podcast. But instead, I get to hear the top hits of German folk musicwhat a horrible morning! This short story underlines that artificial intelligence (AI) has long become part of our everyday lives, and usually almost unnoticeably. Already today, we would be lost without AI; our daily lives would be more cumbersome, require more effort and be less comfortable.  While AI applications have long since taken a firm place in daily life, I wonder about its status in companies: What about the use of AI applications in business contexts? Which areas are the trailblazers? Where can we find inspiration and in which areas is there still a need to take action? Our recent Artificial Intelligence Experience Report, published together with the Technical University of Darmstadt, provides insights and describes how AI can successfully contribute to digital transformation once certain hurdles have been overcome. As part of the research for the report, specialists and executives from different companies were asked about the use of AI. Their views describe an interesting picture.

Especially in marketing, sales and product management, half of the enterprises surveyed are already relying on AI applications, with the majority of use cases coming from marketing. Why is that? The application of artificial intelligence can significantly improve and effectively personalize the customer relationship. But new AI solutions are also busy emerging in the areas of sales and product managementour respondents reported significant efficiency and productivity increases. This is also confirmed by my various discussions with decision-makers.    The maturity level of artificial intelligence use varies greatly between industries. Above-average use of AI applications is seen in IT, finance, the automotive sector, and the pharmaceutical and medical industries. This is also confirmed by another study about the Use of artificial intelligence in German businesses published by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.  What could be the reason that many enterprises are still hesitant to use AI applications? For those looking to catch up on AI, our Artificial Intelligence Experience Report provides five key recommendations for action:  In my 2019 CEO Blog I provided an outlook of where we would stand at the end of 2021. Many more predictions have become reality since then. But my conclusion remains the same as two years ago.: The technologies, solutions and daily assistants I just described are already available today. We only have to use them.  These are preparatory steps that can be taken right away! Once this foundation has been laid, nothing will stand in the way of increasing and successfully using artificial intelligence in your organization.  

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Campana & Schott celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Reason enough to take a look back.

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Digitization projects often start highly motivated, but their implementation is bumpy and tough. Frequently, this is due to the fact that having the right strategy does not automatically lead to a successful outcome. What is needed is a plan for implementation, along with the appropriate structures and the right communication.

In this article, we show how strategies can be successfully implemented using three fields of action.

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Campana & Schott successfully integrates Teams into their own digital workplace. E-mail, chat, phone, video conference: Today, the digital workplace provides employees with many solutions for internal and external communication. And yet: Previously, there was often a lack of integrated solutions, especially for the day-to-day cooperation with colleagues in projects or small teams. Microsoft Teams is a digital workstation module that precisely fills this specific gap. But there is a lot to consider during the introduction.

Read in the new article how Campana & Schott has successfully integrated Microsoft teams into its own company.

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Six stumbling blocks and how companies master them. Digitization has already made its way into the workplace. But many companies still make serious mistakes in implementing the digital workplace (DWP). These can be avoided with the right know-how and strategies, which ensure the efficient and sustainable establishment of the digital workplace in the company.

In the new article, Campana & Schott experts describe the challenges that need to be taken into account.

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Fourteen success factors for an efficient and value-creating Analytics Center of Excellence. Many requirements are better met with the help of data analysis. The aim here is to generate concrete insights from data and implement them in actions within the organization.

Campana & Schott has identified 14 success factors that lead the Analytics Center of Excellence to success.

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Preventing problems before they arise. Time delays, budget overruns, increased resource requirements: there are many reasons why projects get out of hand. With the help of machine learning, companies can make use of current project management data to detect possible undesirable developments in real-time and correct them at an early stage.

In the current article,experts from Campana & Schott show what is important when implementing predictive analytics and outline possible application scenarios with which the potential can be exploited.

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Three steps to accelerate product innovations with data management and analytics capabilities. Reducing time to market of new products through faster innovations has become central to companies across industry sectors. Understanding customer needs is at the epicenter of that effort and (big) data & analytics is now commonly accepted as the tool to use.

However, companies struggle to implement (big) data & analytics into the organization due to its cross functional impact. To tackle this challenge we as Campana & Schott recommend introducing an Analytics Center of Excellence (AcE) and outline a stepwise approach to specify its mandate.

In this article, experts from Campana & Schott outline a step-by-step approach and identify critical success factors for the effective introduction of an AcE and thus also for better Data & Analytics capabilities in the organisation.

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