Microsoft Power Platform

Fast and scalable digitization of processes around the Digital Workplace and beyond.

Low-code & no-code tools: key to digitization

The Microsoft Power Platform provides you with the tools for a fast and scalable digitization of your processes around the Digital Workplace - and beyond! The low-code platform not only provides a home for citizen developers in your company, but also enables you to build powerful fusion development teams for the implementation of complex use cases.

Email, calendar and task management from the cloud.

By 2025, around half a billion new applications will be created worldwide - more than in the previous 40 years. Across industries, this development presents IT departments with enormous challenges in terms of scalability and resource planning. 

One powerful lever is the use of low-code tools, such as those provided by the Microsoft Power Platform. The assumption that 70% of the applications created by 2025 will be implemented on the basis of a no- or low-code platform shows that the key lies in these approaches. Microsoft's Power Platform is not only one of the market leaders in the no- or low-code segment, but also deeply integrated into the digital workplace based on M365. In other words, it's the ideal candidate to take your digitalization projects to the next level.

Operational scenarios of the Microsoft Power Platform

Low-code and no-code tools, such as those provided by the Microsoft Power Platform, can not only accelerate the work of professional developers, they also open up the possibility for ambitious users from the business departments to develop their own digitization solutions as citizen developers - or to work directly with IT within the framework of fusion development teams.


Ambitious end users from the business departments are enabled with low-code tools to automate processes and create smaller applications themselves - they become citizen developers. This not only relieves the burden on IT, ensures faster deployment and greater acceptance of these solutions, but also improves the employee experience: end users become the designers of their own digital workplace.



When designing and implementing complex software solutions, relevant experience and technical know-how are indispensable - this is where the experts from IT are in demand. The low-code tools of the Power Platform can be used as components in complex architectures and support modern types of software development and deployment - from version control to the deployment pipeline in Azure DevOps.


Fusion Development Teams

Developing and delivering specific solutions for your business requires both technical and business expertise. The Microsoft Power Platform enables a particularly close type of collaboration: so-called fusion development, i.e. the joint creation of software by citizen developers and IT. While Citizen Developers focus primarily on working with the graphical development tools of the Microsoft Power Platform, professional developers can, for example, take over the connection of third-party systems or the implementation of complex business logic.

  • Departments
  • IT
  • Fusion Development Teams

Our services: Here's how we help you take advantage of the Microsoft Power Platform!

In order for the Power Platform to deliver the hoped-for added value, so that it can be operated sustainably, securely and without loss of control, a planned approach is required. At Campana & Schott, we support you in introducing, anchoring and using the Power Platform in your company.

Benefit from our proven procedure model, which is based on our expertise and best practices from dozens of relevant projects.

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Are you still at the beginning and would like to get to know the possibilities that the Power Platform offers? Get a comprehensive overview of the platform and work with us to identify the right components and use cases for your business.


Together, we determine the added value that the introduction of the Power Platform will bring to your company and the means by which this is to be achieved. In this way, we create a solid decision-making basis for the further steps in the implementation, which we record in a long-term roadmap.


Based on your strategy and our proven best practices, our experts work with you to develop a suitable set of rules for the platform and provide support during implementation. To enforce governance, effective monitoring in particular is indispensable and avoids the emergence of uncontrolled shadow IT. We help you maintain control with the right approach and, if required, also implement your very own monitoring solution.

Operating model

The more users use the Microsoft Power Platform, the more important it is to have clear processes and responsibilities. Our experts support your IT in professionalizing the operation of the Power Platform, from role definition and application lifecycle management to the development of a comprehensive operations manual in accordance with ITIL.

Adoption & Change Management

A broad use of the Microsoft Power Platform, especially by Citizen Developers from the business departments, is critical for a successful introduction. With a tailored concept for your Adoption & Change Management, based on our many years of best practices, you can take the users by the hand and ensure optimal use of the Microsoft Power Platform in accordance with governance. Our consultants are happy to support you in the implementation of the measures, for example in training courses, hackathons or community building.

Software Development & Fusion Teams

Die Microsoft Power Platform ist sowohl die Grundlage für Citizen Development, aber auch Werkzeug für professionelle Entwickler:innen und bietet damit beste Voraussetzungen für eine intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Fachbereichen und IT. Wir unterstützen Sie beim Aufbau und der Befähigung von Fusion Teams in Ihrem Unternehmen. Und bei Bedarf setzen wir für Sie mit Hilfe unseres erfahrenen Entwickler-Teams auch komplexe Softwarelösungen um – mit der Microsoft Power Platform, aber auch darüber hinaus.

Center of Excellence

With the Center of Excellence, the Microsoft Power Platform is organizationally anchored in your company: Responsibilities and know-how are established and expanded at a central location. This enables IT to optimize the use and operation of the platform and to offer citizen developers and end users appropriately tailored services. Our experts will be happy to help you plan, set up and operate your own Center of Excellence.

The Microsoft Power Platform at a glance

Power Apps

From simple to complex: Power Apps allows you to create user interfaces with just a few clicks. Prefabricated controls facilitate the work and can be adapted and extended in the graphical editor as required.

Power Virtual Agents

Create your own chatbot in just a few clicks - whether internally, embedded in Microsoft Teams, or externally available to your customers, on the website, on Facebook or in WhatsApp. Power Virtual Agents enables your domain experts to independently develop professional digital helpers.


Power Automate

Whether in the cloud or on the desktop - the automation of processes is the focus of Power Automate. More than 500 ready-made connectors are available for the orchestration of cloud services, making work child's play even for Citizen Developers.


Power Pages

Finally, a way to easily collaborate with external parties! Design and publish your own website that gives your customers and business partners access to your data. Without any programming, but without compromising on security and user experience.


Power BI

The all-rounder when it comes to business intelligence in your company. Use Power BI to create reports, share dashboards in Microsoft Teams, or benefit from seamless integration with Power Apps.


Workshop offering

No matter which Power Platform tool you are interested in, we can offer you the right workshop for it. As a close partner of Microsoft, we can let you benefit from various funding opportunities.


Request your workshop now!


As a multiple award-winning Microsoft Solutions Partner with over 100 certified employees, we ensure that solutions, services and platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Power Platform or Teams develop their full added value for our customers.


Matching topics

Business Applications

We develop a business app strategy, implement new or optimize existing processes with state-of-the-art technologies and replace legacy applications. In doing so, we work primarily in the Microsoft environment and create individually customized solutions.


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CS PPM Power Suite

We offer a tool for modern project portfolio management on the Microsoft Power platform. With CS PPM Power Suite you always keep the interaction of your projects, programs and portfolios under control.

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