Communication is essential during a crisis! It is used to provide key information and establishes a dialog between companies, employees and third parties. It is also a supportive measure in that it creates and promotes understanding, explains correlations and anticipates the needs and expectations of employees and third parties. Communication during a crisis says a lot about the company and should never be misused (e.g. To keep back or conceal information). Transparency is the key word for ensuring the loyalty of employees and third parties.
Communication with employees plays an especially important role during a crisis. Depending on the type and extent of the crisis, exceptional situations have far-reaching effects on people, for example if their workplaces are at risk. Despite the uncertainty, it is important that the individual concerns and fears of employees are addressed, and that solutions for the challenges are found jointly.
In the first step of employee communication, it is essential that employees are informed about the crisis situation and that instructions for conduct are provided.
A “crisis website” on the Intranet, a “black board” on the collaboration platform, crisis team meetings or information events are good examples of appropriate communication instruments during a crisis.