C = 01000011; O = 01101111; D = 01100100; E = 01100101 - this is the binary representation of the word "code". But there is much more to coding than the skillful stringing together of zeros and ones. In today's business world, the effective use of coding technologies is important for companies to remain competitive. Low-code platforms offer a promising way to develop applications without requiring in-depth programming skills. However, despite the benefits of low-code platforms, existing literature and practice also highlight their limitations. Against this backdrop, we investigated which decision criteria are relevant for the successful development of enterprise applications using low-code or high-code.
Our study was conducted as part of an industry dissertation on the topic of the digital workplace in cooperation with the Technical University of Darmstadt. We identified decision relevant criteria for or against the use of low-code, which can be used as a guideline for a planned use case.