Shaping the path to the added value of artificial intelligence together

Companies are at a crossroads: the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) promises unprecedented opportunities, but also brings with it complex challenges. Integrating AI into your own strategy is no longer a luxury, but simply a necessity.

Artificial intelligence is the driving force and innovation driver for the major transformations of our time.

The potential benefits of AI are manifold: automation and increased efficiency, greater innovative strength and agility, an optimized customer experience, competitiveness and even new business models are just a few examples. The new "human-AI collaboration" is at the heart of what we do for our customers: Our stated goal for our customers' employees is to augment and support human capabilities not replace them. We support our customers throughout the entire AI journey. As a long-standing Microsoft partner, we are a pioneer in the implementation of AI solutions based on M365 Copilot, Copilot Extensions and Azure Open AI Services. 

Our services

AI Business Transformation

AI business transformation is the strategic realignment of a company with the help of AI. Revolutionize your value creation and tap into new market potential with innovative products and services. As a specialist in excellent project management, we will lead your transformation to commercial success.

AI People Enablement

Use artificial intelligence to make people more productive and relieve them of tedious routine tasks. With our adoption and change management services, we help you to unleash the full potential of your employees. We ensure sustainable adoption and a positive ROI from technology investments.

AI Roadmap

Do you have first experiences with (generative) AI, but don't know which further steps are necessary? We advise you on the creation of an AI strategy and roadmap planning that is tailored to your individual requirements. We plan holistically with topics relating to AI vision & governance, (IT) readiness and operations.

AI Data Readiness

With our AI data readiness services, we support you in optimally preparing your data for the use of AI. It's all about the effective use of data to gain valuable insights. From data strategy, to data architecture and data governance - we bring together all the expertise your need.

AI Technology

We support you in the implementation of AI in practical applications: We guide your implementation project to success, using Microsoft Azure Open AI and Data Services as well as Copilot Extensions for individual solutions and smart platform integrations - right through to connecting Service Now or SAP.

Microsoft (365) Copilot

We are one of the leading partners for the introduction of AI solutions based on Microsoft 365 Copilot. We support you from analysis and implementation through to enablement. With us, you can exploit the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot and increase your productivity and creativity.

Workshop series: Microsoft Copilot Readiness

To prepare for the introduction of Microsoft Copilot, we offer a standardized procedure. Divided into 8 workshops, we prepare you optimally for the launch. In just a few weeks, all organizational and technical questions are clarified and the timetable for the rollout and adoption is set.

Inspiration & education

We use demos and Q&As to demonstrate the possibilities and potential use cases, but also to dispel rumors and myths, outline the limits of Copilot and differentiate it from general AI technologies. We also address the potential for strengthening corporate culture and optimizing efficient working methods as well as possible risks and governance aspects.

Specific result types

For example, we deliver personas and use case descriptions, an operating model, a rollout plan or a change, communication and training concept - all tailored to your company.

Management presentation

In a compact summary of the most important results, potentials, requirements and milestones, we advise your management and make recommendations for the target-oriented introduction in terms of license scope, procedure or resources.

In the best of company: our customers

Interesting facts about AI and Microsoft Copilot


Practical insight into 50 successful Copilot projects (in German).


IT security of the future

How is artificial intelligence changing IT security, compliance and data protection?


AI-ready culture

Five values in corporate cultures as a breeding ground for successful AI integration.


AI in sustainable transformation?

The Copilot in the MS Sustainability Manager.


Are you ready for take-off?

How can companies benefit from Microsoft Copilot and what do they need to bear in mind?

Project management

PM in flux

Artificial intelligence as a game changer.


Copilot your Day

Regular news about Microsoft Copilot on the blog of our expert and Microsoft MVP Pascal Brunner.


Data protection meets artificial intelligence

Security strategies for the AI-supported corporate world.

Talk to us about artificial intelligence for your business success

Your personal contact

Ruth Subjetzki

Project inquiries & Account management