[Translate to English:] Diversität und Inklusion

[Translate to English:]

Jeder Mensch ist einzigartig. Uns ist es ein wichtiges Anliegen, diese Einzigartigkeit und die verschiedenen Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen.

In a company, people with very different needs and living environments work together. We want to support our employees in the best possible way through internal contacts and cooperation with external partners.

Individual offers for our employees

CS Confidants

Wherever people work together, different perspectives and opinions collide. Or topics come up that you do not want to discuss with your direct colleagues or the manager. At CS there are "CS Confidants" for such situations. These colleagues come from different areas and are represented at our various locations. They are available to all employees for confidential discussions and support in sensitive situations.


Several generations under one roof

At CS, people from different generations and with different life situations work closely together. Every life situation brings with it different wishes and needs that should be taken into account in everyday work. As part of our FleCS program, we offer the design of individual working time models. Via our CSAcademy, you can choose from various further training options that support both the professional and personal development of our employees.


Diversity & training

Further training is an important part of our everyday work. In addition to professional training, we also support our colleagues in their personal development. For example, there is the possibility of becoming a member of the external women's network "team nushu" and exchanging ideas with women from other companies. In addition, we offer training courses on all aspects of diversity and culture. Our internal initiatives regularly exchange information with our managers to raise their awareness of how to deal with various issues.


Voices from our networks

Get to know us personally

Any questions about application and entry?
Your contacts (above) Claas Bendels, Katja Ziegenaus, Daniel Theobald, Eva Mau.

(below) Philipp Myke, Alexandra Sagerer, Anne Busch, Julia Schneider.
Feel free to call us or use our contact form.

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