
Impulses for the successful implementation of projects

PMO managers exchange their experiences and share best practices.

High demand for change, new technologies, scarce resources, complex projects: The challenges of project management are immense. But how do you overcome them? 
The exchange of experiences, ideas and best practices is essential to identify new trends and successfully adapt to changing ways of working.  

The 21st meeting of Campana & Schott's PMO Leader Panel, which recently took place at LEONHARD WEISS GmbH & Co. KG, provided an opportunity to do just that. Experienced project management executives came together to discuss effective strategies for overcoming the challenges that many companies are facing in the current economic climate. The key topics of the PMO Leaders Panel included:

  • Rapid change in project management: Methods for effectively managing transformation projects were discussed, particularly in light of technological advances and cultural change. 
  • Optimizing communication: Effective communication with top management is critical to the successful implementation of projects. The panel provided insights into how strategic communication approaches can improve the management of project portfolios. 
  • Improving project status reporting: As projects become more complex, advanced IT tools and reporting techniques were discussed to enable more accurate data analysis and better decision making. 


For more than 20 experienced PMO leaders, the PMO Leader Panel again provided a valuable opportunity to discuss the most pressing issues and network with others. Interesting insights were generated and strategies for common and complex challenges in project and project portfolio management were developed.