IT from cost factor to turbocharging innovation.

Continuing to cut the IT budget in order to reduce costs in the company would be absurd in the course of digital transformation. Instead, IT must broaden its focus: from the level of pure service provision to support for actual business activities, i.e. business capabilities.

How does this step work?

Download whitepaper free of charge

The convergence of business and IT as well as the use of the potential of new technologies leads to a living digital culture in the company. 

The whitepaper "IT cost pressure" shows how this can be achieved and which points need to be considered. A survey on cost and/or process optimization in IT conducted on behalf of Campana & Schott among 200 managers also illustrates the current situation in German companies. 

The authors

Michael Müller

Senior Manager, Head of IT Management Advisory

Sebastian Obermeier

Senior Manager | Head of IT Strategy & Management

Kai Wiesmann

Senior Manager | Transformation of IT

Innovation and IT Quick Assessment

Together, we identify untapped potential and fields of action in a four-hour workshop:

  • Conducting interviews with business and IT managers
  • Use of the COBIT framework to determine the maturity level
  • Presentation of the findings in a heat map
  • Derivation of the need for action and prioritization
  • Support from the Campana & Schott team of experts

Our expertise in the field of digital transformation