Areas of HR such as talent attraction, employer branding, and talent development are increasingly coming face to face with applicants who expect their employer to prioritize their health. This kind of focus makes sense, and not just for employees.
Areas of HR such as talent attraction, employer branding, and talent development are increasingly coming face to face with applicants who expect their employer to prioritize their health. This kind of focus makes sense, and not just for employees.
The average annual sickness rate in Germany stands at 5.5 percent. A good occupational health management strategy fosters employee health while lowering the costs of absenteeism and strengthening employee loyalty above all. This can help to ensure the profitability of the company even in times of crisis.
The coronavirus pandemic was one such crisis. It was a true catalyst for the digital workplace (DWP). Working from anywhere, anytime, is no longer the exception. Along with all the benefits this flexibility creates, however, there are also new risk factors to people’s mental health, such as working overtime from home, greater self-driven effort required to maintain social ties, and more frequent switching between tasks due to the increasing proximity between working and personal life. So, while the DWP is making ever greater strides forward, traditional occupational health management methods are lagging behind.
The workplace analytics modules in the Microsoft Viva suite can bridge this gap. In the context of mental health risk assessments, they make it possible to assess activities involving knowledge work performed digitally on a computer or mobile device, along with development and implementation of precisely targeted measures. In particular, scalability across the entire company, true-to-life measurement continuity, and making digital work visible highlight Viva Insights, Viva Glint, and Viva Pulse as essential additions to your digital occupational health management strategy.
Occupational health management is a systematic approach that aims to make work conducive to good health and align the overall conditions, structures, and processes within an organization accordingly.
Mental health risk assessment – A seven-step process to assess the mental health risk potential of a particular activity and develop measures to lower that risk. Required for all employers in Germany since 2013 (Sec. 4 and 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) and Sec. 3 of the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV)).
Let us show you how to perform structured digital mental health risk assessments going forward.