Between future designer and shortage manager.

The current economic situation requires flexibility and innovative strength. This is the only way companies can remain competitive. Digitization offers them the opportunity not only to maintain their status quo, but even to increase their competitiveness. IT is at a crossroads here:
Does she want to act as an enabler for future-proof business models and think ahead to the future? Or does she – driven by the specialist departments – just want to be the vicarious agent without creative competence?

Download the white paper for free

The whitepaper "IT at the crossroads" shows where IT departments are today and what challenges they are struggling with. It also offers solutions to position yourself as a designer of innovative processes.

To this end, Campana & Schott conducted a survey among 200 IT employees from companies of various sizes and in different sectors in Germany.


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The authors

Sebastian Obermeier

Senior Manager | Head of IT Strategy & Management

Kai Wiesmann

Senior Manager | Transformation of IT

Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Your personal contact

Ruth Subjetzki

Project inquiries & Account management

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